Dark Earth

Revenge ∞

2024-10-21T09:58:04+00:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Dark Earth, The Victim Problem|Tags: |

Work In Progress by Songs Of Dave [Verse A] Will you revenge my revenge of your revenge of my revenge For your revenge of my revenge of your revenge ad-infinitum? [Verse B] Will I revenge your revenge of my revenge of your revenge For my revenge of your revenge of my revenge ad-infinitum? [Chorus v1] [...]


2024-07-23T07:23:52+00:00June 14th, 2024|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Mortal Shuffle by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Reality too hard to face - fantasy replace Dig head in sand easy escape Conscious admit the self deception Best solution bury problem deny {Chorus] Afraid to risk Afraid to feel Afraid to give Afraid to love Afraid to live [Verse 2] Reality say not for me, [...]

Can’t Watch The News

2024-05-19T06:18:39+00:00April 9th, 2024|Categories: Dark Earth, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

Why Are You Religious? by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Can't watch the news, poison consume Subject your soul to prejudiced point of views Contaminate, fear cultivate Unconscious bias mental manipulate [Verse 1] What's going on You want to know But you suspect Behind the scenes Something agreed Agenda set [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Neutrality No [...]

Abuser Becomes Abused …

2024-05-19T06:18:03+00:00April 9th, 2024|Categories: Dark Earth, Empowerment, Navigating Dogma, The Victim Problem|Tags: |

Why Are You Religious? by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Blinkered their mind to reality blind plain to see Obvious clear no denying to everyone else Dehumanise other side demonise finger point Never occurs in the role play reverse they the bad guys [Verse 1] No longer buy the lies And everyone ruse sees through Political [...]


2024-04-03T18:50:47+00:00March 21st, 2024|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Not This Time by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] You read it in your news feed, watch on your TV Consume it in your Youtube recommended stream Your SERPs research predisposed entwines They piggy back prejudice, polarise the mind Impossible to know reality from lie these days To cut the BS remove blinkers from the [...]

In My Time

2024-01-17T14:24:52+00:00December 4th, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Preachy, Pro-Life|Tags: |

Kiss The Sky by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I suspect now for you hard to believe But honest, this was how things used to be People pushed back new ideas if contradict establishment Resist question/reassess, even fresh evidence suggests high time dogma reject [Spoken 1] In my time people widely believed consciousness came from the [...]

Victim Aggressor Hats In Turn

2023-11-17T06:18:36+00:00October 18th, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Overly Earnest|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] But all I see finger pointing Around and round retribution Preach demonise/dismiss other Don victim/aggressor hats in turn [Verse 1] I'm hoping for reason Reasonable human Willing to wear other shoes To strive to imagine How feels from inside them To understand point of view [Repeat Chorus] [Verse [...]

What’s Going On?

2023-11-17T06:18:01+00:00October 15th, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Illusion / Delusion, Navigating Dogma, The Victim Problem|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Everywhere I'm wary Nervous who I dare trust Top of list BBC Tell me lie-cence fee pay [Verse 2] Research facts internet Code to keep me online Piggy back prejudice Demonise / polarise [Chorus] Tell me truth what's going on Tell me truth what's going on Tell [...]


2023-09-30T19:34:57+00:00August 31st, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Symbiotic Dream by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Looking back you wonder why your self deceive How could I so willingly cave in / believe Why would you pretend you know with certainty Same again mistake repeat [Verse 1] Think you're wiser than before Tell yourself untruth ignore Over eye sight pull the wool Let them [...]

Profit Motive Deception

2023-08-05T07:58:33+00:00June 23rd, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Reaching Back From The Afterlife by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Profit motive deception Brings the best for everyone Everybody benefits No poor get poorer rich get rich divide [Verse 2] Profit motive deception Everyone now better off Shared abundance guaranteed Utopian just society achieved [Chorus] Who buys this Ridiculous Propaganda ruse? [Verse 3] Profit [...]

So Advanced?

2023-06-21T07:21:49+00:00June 2nd, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We're so advanced By new technology Humanity will soon be free Everything will change [Verse 1] Less loneliness Less mental health Less suicide More empathy More acceptance More inclusion Then you might concede [Verse 2] Less poverty Less with without Less have have not More unity Equality [...]

Pea Soup

2023-01-07T07:54:40+00:00December 14th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

Ruse Is Rumbled by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] In name of fact proven Pea soup my mind In name of truth/given Blinker my eyes [Verse 1] One fool to trust Authorities Their spoken words respect worthy A fantasy [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] As science known Religious faith Predisposed both, neither escape Subjective taint [Repeat Chorus] [...]


2022-08-04T05:26:46+00:00June 16th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Illusion / Delusion|Tags: |

Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Born to abnormal normal Groomed in dogma embrace Only choice is submission prescription Independence is lost faith [Verse 2] Fact authority guru Every word absolute Down here everyone suffers, is fallen Independence is misused [Chorus] Deep conditioned from birth Only life ever knew How will you [...]


2022-05-23T07:30:38+00:00May 19th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Preachy, Seeing The Divine|

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Reasonable: human evolved from ape Scientific ... at least that's what told me in school Taught as factual, forget theoretical Attenborough drip feeds idea of God no need [Chorus] Understanding ridiculous is to my mind Mechanistic bodily concept of life lie Party line [Verse 2] Identify [...]

What Did We Expect?

2022-05-23T07:28:57+00:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Pondering, Preachy|Tags: |

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Privatise social care Incentivise profit, make ... Primary objective Service user neglect [Verse 2] Run as if is business Improve efficiency Bank balance proves progress Bottom line litmus test [Chorus v1] Shock horror when goes pear-shaped Wonder how act so surprised Forget predictable outcome What did [...]

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