Good Guy Bad Guy (album)
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I need to know for sure Why hide the purpose for? I promise I won't tell [Verse 1] I wanna understand Is this the way is meant to be? Desire to know the plan To decide how apply myself [Verse 2] I wanna face the truth [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Divinity always manifest Regardless part now play Good guy/bad guy Conscious/unconscious No matter who today [Verse 1] Pies in the sky Head in the clouds Fantasy - make believe Tear in your eye Wind in your hair See positive everywhere [Chorus] [Verse 2] Tear in your [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Deep conditioned Reality yet filtered Heavy my baggage My every word is weighted [Verse 1] Guru says sin - I hear Christian word Samsara - I hear fallen soul Action reaction - I hear Newton's law Karma bandhana - I hear punishment [Chorus] [Verse 2] Guru [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Create by choices make Perpetuate by fanned flame And anytime direction change [Verse 1] When now no longer serves you Look back on how present arrived The part you played remind you The path you chose remember why [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] When situation snafu Retrace [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Will I hear or will I talk? Should I speak or should I walk? Shall my tuppence offer up Or silence imply my support? [Verse 1] My opinion To contribute Place in the mix Of views exposed to Duty of care To intervene Or come what [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] The problem with 'know' is so easy to slip into Judgement/dismissive-of-others where they disagree The problem with faith is it's not so cosy The problem with honesty: Doubt is lonely [Verse 1] You grant me this I may not be wrong My epiphanies Say you celebrate [...]
Good Guy Bad Guy by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] I've been thinking 'bout my life Reason I have taken birth Englishman identified my self Am I blessed or am I soul cursed? [Verse 2] I've been thinking 'bout this life Why all born to live and die? Quest for happiness see compromised Everyone we [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] And I want to walk the grass on planet Earth And I want to serve the mission of my birth And I want to understand before I'm dead And to manifest that music in my head [Chorus] For it's my life after all Is my life [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] But mind made up never again Too many times been here before No longer serves - my yesterday Yes once was fun, but now moved on [Verse 2] My mind made up never reverse So many lives I've taken birth Circle of life spun round and [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] The way they squander human life With land of birth identify Drink their tea, consume their wine Believe themselves high civilised [Verse 2] The way intelligence covered Like hog dog camel ass they work Belly tongue genital slave Make up layer to solve old age [Chorus] [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Lifting veil - seeking personal growth Breaking spell - powerful reclaiming Freeing mind - owning baggage burden Taking responsibility for [Chorus] Sad it is therefore while on one hand progress is real Prone to critical finger pointing everyone else Increased awareness no deny is fact Conscious [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Born to abnormal normal Groomed in dogma embrace Only choice is submission prescription Independence is lost faith [Verse 2] Fact authority guru Every word absolute Down here everyone suffers, is fallen Independence is misused [Chorus] Deep conditioned from birth Only life ever knew How will you [...]
Foolish My Designs by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Who were before today forget Where come you from no longer know Why you are here can only guess Yet fallen soul eager accept But what I see, from where I stand, idea reject [Verse 2] As envious, as worm in stool Identify believable Somehow it [...]
Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave
Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] You said misused independence We were envious souls of God So from spiritual world here banished Until purify one's existence [Verse 2] Identified souls as fallen Evidenced everyone must die Compromise for being eternal Argued proof that we don't belong here [Chorus] See divinity explored Divine [...]
Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Spoken] It is what it is. What it is I cannot say, yet because of where I believe it comes from, I do say it therefore must be perfect. [Chorus] It is what it is Perfectly fit for ... Purpose not what assumed It is what it is [...]