
Inconceivable Me

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Categories: One And Difference, Self Divinity, Separation From God|Tags: |

I'm A Lotus Flower by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Part and parcel, separated Simultaneously One-yet-differ contradiction Inconceivable me [Verse 1] Maybe spiritual Flavoured loneliness - this Excommunicate Like a riven cloud [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Maybe mental health Maybe misconception There's nobody else Feels the way I do [Instrumental] [Verse 3] Maybe make believe Maybe [...]

In My Morning

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00December 15th, 2020|Categories: Adventure Divine|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] In my morning I will rise up I will climb out from my dream Resurface to my real life In my morning, when awaken Resurrect reality Forgotten I'll remember [Verse 1] I will fog-clear All confusion Objective regain I will make sense Truth uncover Awareness reclaim [Repeat Chorus [...]

For The Doubting Soul

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00December 5th, 2020|Categories: Earth Birth, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave Some people say ... [Chorus] For the doubting soul Is no happiness In this life or the next For the doubting soul [Verse 1] Is this the price for daring question, A punishment for seeking answers/explanation? Does God demand blinkered acceptance, One bury deep desire for reason? Really? [Repeat [...]

Lost My Cosy

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00November 29th, 2020|Categories: Existential Angst, Separation From God|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Chaita guru / speculation Shastra-sadhu, cannot find confirmation Inspiration, dare I trust you ... what my heart tells me today? [Verse 1] Lost my cosy - honesty chose No more pretend, make believe fake Riven cloud blown isolated Alone, excommunicated [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Pray to God for [...]

Remind Me Of The First Time

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00November 14th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Great again? Remind me of that first time No, is not my memory Recall like yesterday [Verse 1] Indian Removal Treaty Bible beating relocation Negro-owning Christianity KK-lynching segregation [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Hiroshima Nagasaki Propaganda Armageddon Capitalist / commy-hating Waterboarding / Watergating [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 3] Luna landing [...]


2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00October 31st, 2020|Categories: Earth Birth, Illusion / Delusion, Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Mummy-daddy prejudice - water to sponge absorb Birth community subjective point of view inform Blinkered vision given social norm [Verse 2] Classroom teacher, big bang preacher, theory/fact mislead One religion, chosen people, thank God lucky me Good to go for lifetime-judgemental [Chorus] Layer on layer upon layer [...]

#Me Also

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00October 24th, 2020|Categories: Earth Birth, Existential Pondering|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Everybody fears it, everybody hides it Everybody dismiss / denies it Everybody blank it - bury head in sandpit No matter habit-perpetual Everyone included, nobody excluded No matter accept it / reject it Everybody eat, drink, plight forget, be merry Thought of tomorrow neglected [Chorus] I want [...]

Validation Conflict (makes no difference)

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00September 12th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] No amount of self-expression Lay bare my soul, pursue my mission Makes me feel today I'm worthy Only if I'm earning money Feel I validate existence Makes no difference ... [Verse 1] That I believe I am not my mind Neither body I am transcendental [Verse 2] [...]

I’ve Tried

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00September 4th, 2020|Categories: Existential Angst|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus v1] I've tried, I promise I've tried, I've tried really hard But I just can't buy in, sorry For makes no sense to me [Verse 1] That I'd feel gratified if I were latest fadget owner That that would satisfy my mind that I kept up with [...]

Liberate But

2021-11-07T06:31:43+00:00August 20th, 2020|Categories: Earth Birth, Love, Pro-Life, Relational|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Liberate, but celebration tears cry dependent forsaken Right to choose freedom victory won - name of progress delusion Sacred care duty abandoned - emancipation mistaken All because believe my body me [Verse 1] Kali yuga philosophy Identify - bodily concept I exist from twenty four The week [...]

Might Be Right

2021-11-07T06:32:00+00:00August 10th, 2020|Categories: Dialogue With God, Existential Pondering, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus v1] Far fetched I know, hardly accept myself Creative - possible Philosophy to keep idea alive Always express divine [Verse 1] That you approve Judge favourable All contribution We part and parcels serve the whole [Chorus v2] Far fetched I know, hardly accept myself Creative - reconcile [...]

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