Dark Earth


2022-05-23T07:30:38+00:00May 19th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Preachy, Seeing The Divine|

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Reasonable: human evolved from ape Scientific ... at least that's what told me in school Taught as factual, forget theoretical Attenborough drip feeds idea of God no need [Chorus] Understanding ridiculous is to my mind Mechanistic bodily concept of life lie Party line [Verse 2] Identify [...]

What Did We Expect?

2022-05-23T07:28:57+00:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Pondering, Preachy|Tags: |

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Privatise social care Incentivise profit, make ... Primary objective Service user neglect [Verse 2] Run as if is business Improve efficiency Bank balance proves progress Bottom line litmus test [Chorus v1] Shock horror when goes pear-shaped Wonder how act so surprised Forget predictable outcome What did [...]


2021-11-07T06:31:41+00:00October 1st, 2021|Categories: Dark Earth, Judgement Freedom, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

Shine Your Light by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Alight my fire, fan my flame Feed my mind - perpetuate My finger-point, attribute blame Escape my goat 'prejudice' [Verse 1] A childhood truth - a sponge absorbed Normality conditioned An us and them - for or against Enemy/friend divisioned [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] A conclusion already [...]


2021-11-07T06:31:41+00:00September 21st, 2021|Categories: Dark Earth, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

Shine Your Light by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Even though I know for benefit of other Reaching for my mask as if for own protection Something in my brain illogical dysfunctions Believe what I want to - rational regardless Don my paper mask - security blanket cling on to Self deny my reason - [...]

Know This Isn’t Right

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00January 2nd, 2021|Categories: Dark Earth, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

I'm A Lotus Flower by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Gather evidence Argue point of view Justify your stance Counter reject [Verse 2] Pedestal your truth Decide absolute Doubters ridicule Demonise all [Chorus] I don't know why Just I feel there's something wrong Can't put my finger on But I know this isn't right The [...]

Remind Me Of The First Time

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00November 14th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Great again? Remind me of that first time No, is not my memory Recall like yesterday [Verse 1] Indian Removal Treaty Bible beating relocation Negro-owning Christianity KK-lynching segregation [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Hiroshima Nagasaki Propaganda Armageddon Capitalist / commy-hating Waterboarding / Watergating [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 3] Luna landing [...]

Validation Conflict (makes no difference)

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00September 12th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] No amount of self-expression Lay bare my soul, pursue my mission Makes me feel today I'm worthy Only if I'm earning money Feel I validate existence Makes no difference ... [Verse 1] That I believe I am not my mind Neither body I am transcendental [Verse 2] [...]

B.S. Jobs

2021-11-07T06:32:01+00:00April 8th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth, Earth Birth|Tags: |

Today I Choose by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Isolated but not alone Now B.S. jobs reflect upon Society can do without We wonder why they pay so much pay? [Verse 1] Is obvious How contribute Nothing of worth For rest of us [Verse 2] Opportunity Value assess Humanity Be better off reset [Repeat Chorus] [Verse [...]

Conspiracy See

2021-11-07T06:32:01+00:00April 2nd, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth, Empowerment, The Victim Problem|Tags: |

Today I Choose by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] You always see Conspiracy Is all around [Verse 2] Find evidence Proof obvious No question ask [Chorus] Mind be predisposed Find everywhere signs But my eyes see victim played Disempower embraced [Verse 3] Propaganda Hidden agenda Manipulation [Verse 4] Evil empire Illuminati Reality [Chorus] [Instrumental] [Verse [...]

Give Me Truth

2021-11-07T06:32:02+00:00September 4th, 2019|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Come To Remind Me by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Consume the news Suspect the spin Betray the trust again again [Verse 2] Disguise the lie Hidden the ruse Sew deep the seed, confuse the truth [Chorus] Kali yuga - one leg standing - give me truth Don't abandon me, show me mercy - give [...]

One Question

2021-11-07T06:32:02+00:00June 9th, 2019|Categories: Dark Earth, Earth Birth, Navigating Dogma, Pro-Life|Tags: |

In My Universe by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Just one question: Are you sure your truth is truth? I only ask because I'm convinced it sets the stage upon which you stand to day [Verse 1] On pro-life verses choice Dependent verses parasite Reluctant verses willing Aggressor verses victim On human rights abuse On grey [...]

As If Done And Dusted Fact

2021-11-07T06:32:02+00:00April 27th, 2019|Categories: Dark Earth, Illusion / Delusion, Navigating Dogma|Tags: |

In My Universe by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Innocent - your facts entrusted Manipulation unsuspected Oblivious of vested interest Pure conviction, yes I recall it well [Verse 2] Speak your heartfelt attenborough Save our planet - now or never Act today or face disaster Given conviction, yes I recall it well [Chorus v1] Possible [...]

Crazy Democracy

2021-11-07T06:32:02+00:00March 31st, 2019|Categories: Dark Earth|

Development Versions by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Crazy democracy Propaganda deceived Preach black or white No mood for shades of grey compromise As if was just one way [Verse 2] Crazy democracy Post truth nobody believe Data now God Statistical proof cherry pick Mislead is absolute [Chorus] Forget who's will represent Insult my intelligence [...]

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