[Verse 1]
Mind out of control
As fickle as a crush
Attention span short
As restless as a wind
Mind out of control
Dub enemy or friend
As if independent
Have objective of your own

Do I deceive myself
Deny my power to decide
When I refuse pick up the reins
Again resume divine?

[Verse 2]
Mind out of control
You tell me what to do
Mind you confuse me
I beat you with my shoe
Mind, mind of your own it seems
Possess will for / against
Confess where get your power, say
Say who’s desire you serve

[Repeat Chorus]

Did I myself not release the reins. Is it therefore not within my power to again take control? Do these reins really have independent will, that they somehow desire to be free or pursue their own objective? Do they have a soul of their own? Come on!

Mind out of control
Mind out of control
Mind out of control
Mind out of control

[Repeat Chorus]