[Verse 1]
Before dive in
Better think twice
Will you pay the price
Forgo certainty?
Before bridge burn
Better be warned
A lonely road
With no turning back

Okay, maybe reality faced
Integrity is maybe reclaimed
But caution must
It’s not so cosy
Believe me

[Verse 2]
Before unplug
Swallow red pill
Consider this
No more confidence
Nothing given
Nothing is known
Just truth believable
But possibly wrong

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 3]
Before proceed
Better be sure
For no undo
Once open the door
Pulled out the rug
Never again
Authority trust


[Repeat Verse 1]

[Spoken word]
Of course you can always petition to be plugged back into the matrix … to consciously opt for illusion over reality, but that represents failure and defeat … better therefore to long it out, and hope for eventual break through to the other side. In the meantime, like I say, it’s not so cosy out here. Don’t come. I wouldn’t come if I was you.