[Verse 1]
Speak your words with confidence
Educated, well informed
Reasonable, logical
But never go back check your facts

[Verse 2]
Re-evaluate day one position
Debt-based economy serve everybody
What if misconception up from bottom line
Key axiom like original sin?

[Chorus v1]
Premise remote
Wherefrom forgotten
Resist rethink
Fact foundation – truth embrace

[Verse 3]
Re-evaluate day one assumption
Life begins after twenty four week question
What if misconception before conception
Key axiom like original sin?

[Chorus v2]
Premise remote
Wherefrom forgotten
Never protest
Fact foundation – truth embrace


[Verse 4]
Re-evaluate day one leap of faith
Species evolve by random mutation
What if misconception time of discovery
Key axiom like original sin?

[Verse 5]
Re-evaluate day one conjecture
Before big only bang black hole exists
What if misconception before beginning
Key axiom like original sin?

[Chorus v3]
Premise remote
Wherefrom forgotten
Leave unchallenged
Fact foundation – truth embrace

[Verse 1 – repeat 1st half]
Speak your words with confidence
Educated, well informed

[Outro – Spoken word]
Everything flows out from the starting truth, the fact foundation. Better make sure it’s actually true then. Otherwise, no matter how educated and rational the following talk may seem, it all simply becomes variety of nonsense.