Existential Angst

Progress Going Backwards

2021-11-07T06:31:41+00:00September 26th, 2021|Categories: Earth Birth, Existential Angst, Separation From God|Tags: |

Shine Your Light by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I was searching for the reason Explanation believable Something simple, intuitive User-friendly - easy [Verse 1] All I find is headless chickens Around and round in circles Every answer - ask more questions Progress going backwards [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] All I find is self deception My [...]

To Be Human

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00February 21st, 2021|Categories: Adventure Divine, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Witness by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Sometimes we believe in truth Sometimes we just read the news Sometimes we ignore the difference Sometimes we campaign for choice Sometimes we demand a voice Sometimes we prefer to follow [Chorus] Sweet contradiction only human Sweet contradiction to be human [Verse 2] Sometimes we open eyes Sometimes [...]

When Will I Remember?

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00December 11th, 2020|Categories: Existential Angst, Separation From God|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I know I know this On tip of my tongue ... evades me Stubborn-mule resists recollection Pray when will I remember? [Verse 1] Like an actor face Forgotten name A centre stage Forgotten line (ABCD) [Verse 2] My favourite song Forgotten words A poem known Forgotten verse (EFGH) [...]

For The Doubting Soul

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00December 5th, 2020|Categories: Earth Birth, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave Some people say ... [Chorus] For the doubting soul Is no happiness In this life or the next For the doubting soul [Verse 1] Is this the price for daring question, A punishment for seeking answers/explanation? Does God demand blinkered acceptance, One bury deep desire for reason? Really? [Repeat [...]

Lost My Cosy

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00November 29th, 2020|Categories: Existential Angst, Separation From God|Tags: |

Riven Cloud by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Chaita guru / speculation Shastra-sadhu, cannot find confirmation Inspiration, dare I trust you ... what my heart tells me today? [Verse 1] Lost my cosy - honesty chose No more pretend, make believe fake Riven cloud blown isolated Alone, excommunicated [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Pray to God for [...]

Validation Conflict (makes no difference)

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00September 12th, 2020|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] No amount of self-expression Lay bare my soul, pursue my mission Makes me feel today I'm worthy Only if I'm earning money Feel I validate existence Makes no difference ... [Verse 1] That I believe I am not my mind Neither body I am transcendental [Verse 2] [...]

I’ve Tried

2021-11-07T06:31:42+00:00September 4th, 2020|Categories: Existential Angst|Tags: |

Who's To Say by Songs Of Dave [Chorus v1] I've tried, I promise I've tried, I've tried really hard But I just can't buy in, sorry For makes no sense to me [Verse 1] That I'd feel gratified if I were latest fadget owner That that would satisfy my mind that I kept up with [...]

The Not Knowing

2021-11-07T06:32:02+00:00September 13th, 2019|Categories: Existential Angst, One And Difference, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Athena Tree by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] The not knowing Uncertainty reality Wonder maybe is meant to be Somehow it serves facilitate me Not knowing [Verse 1] My recollection Recalled forgotten Mystery uncovered History remembered [Verse 2] My human lifetime My dark to light climb My home bound journey My lost and found again [Repeat [...]

Compromise My Sacred

2021-11-07T06:32:22+00:00July 22nd, 2018|Categories: Adventure Divine, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Beta Tracks by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] C.G.I. my vision, quantize my timing, confuse precise / perfect Sanitise my texture, forget my mission - divine soul expression Redefine my make it - compromise my sacred [Verse 1] Perfection deny Objective reset Authentic contrive Believe in the lie - but I ain't gonna prostitute my self [...]


2021-11-07T06:32:23+00:00December 20th, 2017|Categories: Existential Angst|Tags: |

Beta 17.4 by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] So/and if you see me Please you remind me why Taken this birth here on Earth Now don't be shy Help remember [Verse 1] The reason my mission objective selected How failure necessary evil for success Relation isolation precedes connection My mistake precursor perfection [Repeat Chorus] bass on [...]

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