This is big: Divine Design
Players cast from cosmic pool
As souls aspire experience / explore
So brought together here by providence
This is big!

[Verse 1]
My parents desired to shower love in their own special way
I wanted to bathe in precisely their type of love

[Verse 2]
What my soulmate wanted I cannot say
But I desired to support, stand by and give my heart fully

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 3]
My followers desired a seer to mirror and crystalise what they knew already
I wanted to believe I have something of value to offer

[Repeat Chorus]

This is big, too big for my mind, that every exchange be by design, every surprise perfectly arranged to facilitate each soul’s chosen adventure. Reverses – considered preparation for acts yet to play on the cosmic stage. This is big, bigger than the Beatles … maybe it’s even too big for God 😉

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 4]
My abuser desired to lord it over a punk like me, later to seek redemption
I desired take the journey to forgiveness