[Verse 1]
Those praying mantis my way high way
Goal of life prescribers
What one should do know better than me
My sacred choice deprivers

[Verse 2]
Judge anything but quest for liberation
Wasted human birth
Is big fat zero everything else
May give God a bad name

Yet believe one many become
Part and parcel
Everybody beloved
Them included

[Verse 3]
Those self appointed sanctimonious
Narrow minded born again
Holier-than-thou dogma preachers
May give God a bad name

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 4]
Those black book bashing pulpit thumping
Fire and brimstone eternal
Unless repent now faith imposers
May give God a bad name


[Verse 5]
Those patronising supercilious
Condescending arrogant
Other and us – God’s chosen people
May give God a bad name

[Repeat Chorus]