Life As A Dream/Role-Play

Made My Peace

2025-02-13T13:58:40+00:00February 3rd, 2025|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Separation From God|Tags: |

Name Of Spiritual by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I said my piece I faced my doubts My roundabouts I finally taste release Uncertainty I finally made my peace [Verse 1] I played my part Embraced my role plays Identified my me With body born, hats worn [Verse 2] I gave my all I played my [...]

Life After Life Revisited

2024-04-03T18:44:37+00:00January 16th, 2024|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Separation From God|Tags: |

Kiss The Sky by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] They come and go They ebb and flow They kiss the sky They live and die [Verse 1] Select a birth species of life With body born identify The predisposed facilitate Life after life perpetuate [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Divine express, divine explore Get sometimes less, get [...]

Taking Stock

2024-01-17T14:25:22+00:00December 12th, 2023|Categories: Dialogue With God, Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Kiss The Sky by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] I'm taking stock What I've imposed My self believed My self deceived Faith blind embraced Religion preached Cosy rejected Givens replaced [Chorus] Offer to you Surrender ownership Use as you will Forgo desire fulfilled [Verse 2] What I've dismissed What I confess What I admit What [...]

All Change

2023-11-17T06:22:21+00:00November 7th, 2023|Categories: Earth Birth, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, One And Difference, Preachy|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Close eyes on the setting sun Rise up when the morning come [Spoken 1] Exploring divinity and in so doing, regardless of conscious or oblivious, always contributing to the completeness of God's own self-knowing, no matter trading aggressor for victim, victim for aggressor, pursuing material or spiritual goals. [...]

Reality, Whose Arrangement?

2023-11-17T06:19:58+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Seeing The Divine|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Identify who do I think I am? Open my heart to who convinced you are Before I try stop you whose arrangement question [Verse 1] If you want to know forgiveness Need believe someone offender Need to see abuse historic imposed on against will Reality [Repeat Chorus] [Verse [...]

Victim Aggressor Hats In Turn

2023-11-17T06:18:36+00:00October 18th, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Overly Earnest|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] But all I see finger pointing Around and round retribution Preach demonise/dismiss other Don victim/aggressor hats in turn [Verse 1] I'm hoping for reason Reasonable human Willing to wear other shoes To strive to imagine How feels from inside them To understand point of view [Repeat Chorus] [Verse [...]

Responsible But

2023-11-17T06:17:09+00:00October 15th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Judgement Freedom, Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] The jury's out on guilty or innocent The said offence unconscious Is no excuse, has consequence nevertheless [Verse 2] Oblivious of outcome, in ignorance Yet damage done no question Extenuating circumstance, no ill intent [Chorus] Responsible but faultless In every action sanction For not a blade of [...]

Even First Time

2023-09-30T19:36:59+00:00September 26th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Relational, Seeing The Divine, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Symbiotic Dream by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Is our end really end? Roleplay lovers and friends Will we cross paths again Is this even first time? [Verse 1] Sense familiar shared Like I knew you somewhere From that day first we met felt like resurrection Like connection revived From some previous time Though when here [...]

Always A Person

2023-06-21T07:24:58+00:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Personalism, Preachy, Relational, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We are rounds playing squares Embracing limitation For serves our aspirations And after liberation Individual yet remain Satcitananda ... always a person [Spoken 1] Is it logical that once freed from the limitations of our present bodily senses and mind we cease to have any sense of [...]

Just Say The Word

2023-01-07T07:51:02+00:00November 19th, 2022|Categories: Earth Birth, Illusion / Delusion, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Ruse Is Rumbled by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Anytime you wanna wake up just say the word Delusion of the soul had enough Anytime decide illusion no longer serves Remember who you were all along [Verse 1] Country of birth identify with family kin By biology say who am I by colour of skin [Verse [...]

Soul Gamer

2022-05-23T07:31:12+00:00May 8th, 2022|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Like a role-play gamer Body controller Seamless interfaced In real life neglect [Verse 1] I'm investing time in quest for gold My fati-gue high may China buy from I will scratch their back if they scratch mine And as long as serves be friend online [Repeat Chorus] [...]

Land Of Dream

2022-05-23T07:30:00+00:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Preachy, Relational|Tags: |

Land Of Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Wake up in my morning, I was dreaming I was mortal Wore a body made of flesh and bones - identified as self [Verse 2] Forgot I'm eternal, I was fearful, made life precious, gave me focus Made important other relationship [Chorus v1] I walked a [...]

Strange Dream

2022-04-03T08:07:44+00:00March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Earth Birth, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Preachy|Tags: |

Samsara by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Dreamed enduring happiness more money guaranteed Widely believed this one thing certain Understood my worth by car I drive from A to B How impressed my peers said they were [Verse 2] Measured life successful by the objects I possessed Accumulation satisfied me Had to stay ahead, keep [...]


2021-11-07T06:31:41+00:00July 10th, 2021|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Dream by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] You live the dream, dream the life Live the dream a dream life Live the dream, dream the life Live the dream a dream life [Verse 1] Yours maybe proud or maybe humble It maybe deep, it maybe shallow [Verse 2] It maybe loud, it maybe public It maybe [...]

Time To Forgive

2021-11-07T06:31:41+00:00June 6th, 2021|Categories: Empowerment, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Moving On|Tags: |

Time To Forgive by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Time to forgive Find positive All gone before sets the stage For this moment believe [Verse 1] Former aggressor You played it well You got me fearful Former oppressor You kept me down Had me believing Was powerless but [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] My former fraudster You [...]

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