Adventure Divine

Really Thought I Would Know By Now

2024-04-03T18:47:04+00:00February 9th, 2024|Categories: Adventure Divine, Existential Pondering, Separation From God|Tags: |

Not This Time by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Oblivious of I don't know what Unconscious blind but I'm unaware Yet responsible for my consequences Reason enough to take stock [Verse 2] Conditioned deep from the day I'm born Mind prejudiced by the social norm Heart predisposed by my previous lives Their hopes and dreams [...]

Like As To Known

2023-11-17T06:23:42+00:00November 14th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Separation From God|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] He lived a life preparing for when he died Absorbed his will resisting No question why, in name of God, nature denied [Verse 2] He counted breaths as numbered, his quota set Identified with sinner Condemned himself as envious. How I forget [Chorus] Was made that way [...]

Taṭasthā śakti

2023-11-17T06:15:02+00:00November 4th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, One And Difference, Self Divinity, Separation From God|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Something deep inside desires to know what's going on - truth Why I'm here, the meaning/goal of life, open or prescribed [Verse 2] Sometimes make believe, my self deceive, fact know for certain Others admit no idea what lies behind the curtain [Chorus] No matter desire, never [...]

Reality, Whose Arrangement?

2023-11-17T06:19:58+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Seeing The Divine|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Identify who do I think I am? Open my heart to who convinced you are Before I try stop you whose arrangement question [Verse 1] If you want to know forgiveness Need believe someone offender Need to see abuse historic imposed on against will Reality [Repeat Chorus] [Verse [...]

So Sets The Stage

2023-11-17T06:19:17+00:00October 21st, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] So sets the stage Struggles included Facilitates, conditions This human birth This life on Earth Act yet to play - soul mission [Verse 1] Identify ego - my who am I Play fallen soul - banished By karma bound bondage Or atheist Choice up to you choose which [...]

Responsible But

2023-11-17T06:17:09+00:00October 15th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Judgement Freedom, Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] The jury's out on guilty or innocent The said offence unconscious Is no excuse, has consequence nevertheless [Verse 2] Oblivious of outcome, in ignorance Yet damage done no question Extenuating circumstance, no ill intent [Chorus] Responsible but faultless In every action sanction For not a blade of [...]

Maybe Not Today

2023-11-17T06:16:29+00:00October 9th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Seeing The Divine|Tags: |

Taṭasthā śakti by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Maybe not today but sometime Need to look again God's love find [Verse 1] Now fallen soul See karma bound entangled Judge suffering Wages of sin fact given [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 2] Now banished here Divinity compromised Mortality See proof enough blinkered eyes [Repeat Chorus] [Verse 3] Now [...]

Even First Time

2023-09-30T19:36:59+00:00September 26th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Relational, Seeing The Divine, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Symbiotic Dream by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] Is our end really end? Roleplay lovers and friends Will we cross paths again Is this even first time? [Verse 1] Sense familiar shared Like I knew you somewhere From that day first we met felt like resurrection Like connection revived From some previous time Though when here [...]

Chasing Completeness

2023-09-30T19:33:30+00:00August 26th, 2023|Categories: Adventure Divine, One And Difference, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Symbiotic Dream by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] A past life, if remembered, might distract from This mission/life objective, likely compromise So today wipe the slate clean, no deja vu To confuse, tabula rasa focused point of view [Verse 2] So buried, my awareness of lives previous Forgotten for duration, facilitates Now absorption - with [...]

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