Yearly Archives: 2023

Always A Person

2023-06-21T07:24:58+00:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Personalism, Preachy, Relational, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We are rounds playing squares Embracing limitation For serves our aspirations And after liberation Individual yet remain Satcitananda ... always a person [Spoken 1] Is it logical that once freed from the limitations of our present bodily senses and mind we cease to have any sense of [...]

But You Have Some Truth

2023-06-21T07:24:20+00:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Existential Pondering, Judgement Freedom, Relational|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] But you have some truth Point of view worthy Something understood - valid [Verse 2] Comprehension keen Realisation deep Feels important slash :) profound [Chorus] Is it complete, All inclusive, Final version? This my question Blinkers: Wear them, Dare we admit, Own subjective, Celebrate this? [Verse [...]

So Advanced?

2023-06-21T07:21:49+00:00June 2nd, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We're so advanced By new technology Humanity will soon be free Everything will change [Verse 1] Less loneliness Less mental health Less suicide More empathy More acceptance More inclusion Then you might concede [Verse 2] Less poverty Less with without Less have have not More unity Equality [...]

Oh Well

2023-06-21T07:16:41+00:00May 23rd, 2023|Categories: Existential Pondering|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] I was certain we would come good once our hibernation passed I was convinced we would keep close slow down life experience Positive would turn our back on bullshit job society Done and dusted we would reset new important understood [Verse 1] But I'm fearful Lessons learnt [...]

If You Were Your Body

2023-06-21T07:20:57+00:00May 21st, 2023|Categories: Preachy, Pro-Life, Seeing The Divine|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Logical position Reasonable argument Rational conclusion All very done and dusted, all wrapped up [Verse 2] Preach only get one life Nobody dying survives Came back from other side All very persuasive [Pre Chorus] If you were your body But what if you're not? [Chorus v1] [...]

Genuine Other

2023-06-21T07:20:15+00:00May 11th, 2023|Categories: Dialogue With God, Existential Pondering, Relational|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Spoken 1] I figure for a loving relationship to be worth something, to love has to be freely chosen, and should be more to do with valuing the happiness of another, or others, and less to do with infatuation or personal gratification. [Chorus] Am I your genuine other [...]

All I Have

2023-06-21T07:18:20+00:00May 5th, 2023|Categories: Dialogue With God, Separation From God|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] It's all I have Personal experience No question humble/small Yet unique nevertheless [Verse 2] Individual Subjective my point of view Doubtful of interest to you But offer up just in case [Chorus] Forget yourself Open the door Collaboration Divine express/explore [Verse 3] It's all I have [...]

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