Monthly Archives: June 2023

Profit Motive Deception

2023-08-05T07:58:33+00:00June 23rd, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Reaching Back From The Afterlife by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] Profit motive deception Brings the best for everyone Everybody benefits No poor get poorer rich get rich divide [Verse 2] Profit motive deception Everyone now better off Shared abundance guaranteed Utopian just society achieved [Chorus] Who buys this Ridiculous Propaganda ruse? [Verse 3] Profit [...]

Always A Person

2023-06-21T07:24:58+00:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play, Personalism, Preachy, Relational, Self Divinity|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We are rounds playing squares Embracing limitation For serves our aspirations And after liberation Individual yet remain Satcitananda ... always a person [Spoken 1] Is it logical that once freed from the limitations of our present bodily senses and mind we cease to have any sense of [...]

But You Have Some Truth

2023-06-21T07:24:20+00:00June 14th, 2023|Categories: Existential Pondering, Judgement Freedom, Relational|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Verse 1] But you have some truth Point of view worthy Something understood - valid [Verse 2] Comprehension keen Realisation deep Feels important slash :) profound [Chorus] Is it complete, All inclusive, Final version? This my question Blinkers: Wear them, Dare we admit, Own subjective, Celebrate this? [Verse [...]

So Advanced?

2023-06-21T07:21:49+00:00June 2nd, 2023|Categories: Dark Earth, Existential Angst|Tags: |

Any Which Way by Songs Of Dave [Chorus] We're so advanced By new technology Humanity will soon be free Everything will change [Verse 1] Less loneliness Less mental health Less suicide More empathy More acceptance More inclusion Then you might concede [Verse 2] Less poverty Less with without Less have have not More unity Equality [...]

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