Monthly Archives: October 2013

Table Bring

2021-11-07T06:33:05+00:00October 26th, 2013|Categories: Self Divinity|Tags: |

Table Bring by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 Wait patiently knowing I will succeed You on my side confident nothing can go wrong Verse 2 I'm biding time keeping faith in my mind All I've to do 's make my choice decide life I choose Chorus v1 I don't need know the how Only dream [...]

You Remain You

2021-11-07T06:33:05+00:00October 20th, 2013|Categories: Seeing The Divine|Tags: |

Table Bring by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 See divine expression Shining ev'ry where See the jiva playing Version unaware Manifesting context Setting stage for life And no matter style of hat you wear - you're still you Verse 2 Feel emotion flowing Through relationship See illusion serving As yourself forget Always after something Scope [...]

Reason Unknown

2021-11-07T06:33:05+00:00October 12th, 2013|Categories: Existential Pondering|Tags: |

Table Bring by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 If god, for reason unknown, takes birth as a man Why should I find it hard my mind to conceive Must serve in some way? Verse 2 If god, for reason unknown, is born as a dog Why this problem for me, my heart to believe Must [...]

Kali Yuga

2021-11-07T06:33:05+00:00October 6th, 2013|Categories: Dark Earth|Tags: |

Table Bring by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 It's everywhere Spoken as fact Feeding the lie Disinformation Believable Some people feel Long and the short There's no need for God Chorus Kali yuga, you get me down Man-just-machine see all around I don't know why idea appeals It's not for me Verse 2 Where 'er [...]

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