Samsara, the cycle of rebirth – reject the idea altogether or understand it as you will.

Around and round
Merry go round and round
Merry go round and round
Merry go round and round

[Verse 1]
Samsara – soul entangled
Reborn bound by karma
Birth death disease old age
Prison to escape from, or …

[Verse 2]
Samsara – soul adventure
Sacred self expression
Body based on desire
Role play facilitates

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 3]
Samsara – divine design
This life – object decide
Mission up to you choose
Earth birth what you make it

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 4]
Samsara – rebirth reject
Past life deny forget
Argue never happened
Focus only get one


[Verse 5]
Samsara – perpetuate
Take birth – reincarnate
Reset wipe the slate clean
Mistakes repeat again

[Repeat Chorus]