Who and why reason decide
Certainty be wary
For how one self-identifies
Seems sets the stage for role-play life

[Verse 1]
Body-me-given believe
Family and history
Us and them – friend enemy
We the good guys conditioned deep

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 2]
Fallen-soul-given believe
Goal of life-human prescribed
Purify polluted mind
Anything else wasted time preach


[Verse 3]
Part of God divinity
Everything as meant to be
Birth and death misdiagnosed
Imperfection misperception

[Repeat Chorus]

[Spoken word outro]
I would say there’s no wrong or right to how you choose to identify self and the reason, if any, you believe you exist here. What I would point out is this fundamental sense of who and why sets the stage upon which one lives out life’s adventure … much like a role-play game where one gets in character in order to facilitate a particular flavour of experience.