One And Difference

Your Adventure Too

2021-11-07T06:33:04+00:00February 6th, 2014|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: | Spoken My adventure is your adventure, your adventure is my adventure Verse 1 You're here with me I hope you having fun I feel you are But sometimes you seem aloof Verse 2 Facilitating Anticipating my heart Play on my side Yet you remain apart Bridge v1 Both one and diff'rent Within and without [...]

Version Of

2021-11-07T06:33:05+00:00August 31st, 2013|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Table Bring by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 I'm version of Of you know who Okay I sometimes find I do become bewildered Verse 2 I'm version of Of you know who Okay I'm much confused Don't let that lead you astray Chorus And sometimes I, I really doubt myself Maybe it serves me somehow? [...]

Am I Not You?

2021-11-07T06:33:28+00:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Merry Hill by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 I feel so confused How can this be true? Ev'ry thing I knew Just a big mistake Verse 2 My divinity Seems it cannot be Otherwise why some Things against my will? Chorus Ev'ry thing I know Hold in heart as true Who am I if I'm [...]

One And One Is Two?

2021-11-07T06:33:28+00:00July 28th, 2012|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Beta 12.2 by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 One and one is two Seems a simple truth Everyone assumes it's so Oh --- Verse 2 From day one at school Learned like ABC They are them and I am me No --- Verse 3 Now I find the flaw I believe there's more I see [...]

Sometimes Two Are One

2021-11-07T06:33:29+00:00March 24th, 2012|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Adventure Divine by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 I wanna know your name I wanna understand what's your game Verse 2 I wanna seek you out I'm gonna make my heart free from doubt Verse 3 I wanna walk with you I wanna talk with you in my head Chorus Wanna be with you ev'ry [...]

Even The Dark Stuff

2021-11-07T06:33:29+00:00November 18th, 2011|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Beta 11.2 by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 Whatever I see Or experience Must be there in you Even ignorance Verse 2 Whatever I know Or hold to be true Must be there in you Even the dogma Even the dark stuff Verse 3 Whoever I am Or choose to become Must be there in [...]

One And Different

2021-11-07T06:33:50+00:00June 5th, 2011|Categories: One And Difference|Tags: |

Walk The Earth by Songs Of Dave Verse 1 I want to see you in my stars When I look up I want to find you watching Verse 3 I want to see you in my heart When I look in I want to find you smiling Chorus Everyone is part of you Everybody's one [...]

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