Monthly Archives: August 2016

Believe Your Eyes

2021-11-07T06:32:43+00:00August 28th, 2016|Categories: Life As A Dream/Role-Play|Tags: |

Chorus Sometimes in the dead of night Believe your eyes can see Sunrise in the mountain light Is clear was all a dream - you realise Verse 1 Sometimes believed ideas To be absolutes, chiselled in stone Sometimes imposed your ways Upon innocents in name of mercy bestowed Verse 2 Sometimes peddled view points Maybe [...]


2021-11-07T06:32:43+00:00August 21st, 2016|Categories: Existential Pondering|Tags: |

Chorus Every step I place 'pon this path foot-worn Destination reach remain In every space and time Every state of mind Far from here and now wander Verse 1 Every A to B Every destiny Preoccupied with thought future time I'm everywhere but there In moment aware; Sieze opportunity; focus Chorus Verse 2 Pass on [...]

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